Am 22.05.2023 wurde der Interim Fix 1 für Notes 10.0.1 FP8 und der Interim Fix 2 für Domino 10.0.1 FP8 released. Die neuen Interim Fixes werden allen Kunden empfohlen, nicht nur denen, die aktuell Probleme mit Notes Domino haben. Falls ihr also die entsprechenden Versionen von Notes bzw. Domino nutzt, installiert es einfach darüber. Die Interim Fixes sind sprachunabhängig, es ist also egal welches Language Pack ihr nutzt. Weiter unten im Artikel findet ihr die Fix-Lists zu den beiden Interim Fixes.

Die für euer System passenden Installationsdateien könnt ihr euch über das HCL Flexnet-Portal herunterladen. Hierzu braucht ihr einen HCL Customer Account, sowie eine regelmäßig verlängerte Notes Domino Lizenz. In unserem Blogartikel zum HCL Software-Download- und Lizensierungsprozess findet ihr unter dem Punkt 4 eine Anleitung zum HCL Software Download. Wie ihr euch im Flexnet Portal registriert, könnt ihr im entsprechenden HCL Artikel zu diesem Thema nachlesen.


Fixlist zu HCL Notes 10.0.1 FP8 IF1




Basic- Fixed an issue in the Basic Notes client where clicking on a url or hotsport for a file or folder will open the url in MS Edge browser vs File Explorer if the default browser preference has been changed to MS Edge.


Editor - Fixed an issue with URL hotspots to Excel files redirecting to web browser to open the Excel file. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1 FP6.


Fixed a crash that could occur when user Cancelled from the Change Password dialog.



Fixlist zu HCL Domino 10.0.1 FP8 IF2




Server - Clusters - Fixed an issue where the option "ReplicaStubWithDesign" to the cl copy command did not copy the design of the database.


Client and Server - Full Text Indexing - Upgrade Tika to 2.x as 1.x is out of support


Server - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where notes.ini FT_INDEX_ATTACHMENTS=1 was filtering if a database's filter attachments property was selected. This is now corrected and =1 only performs brute force text-stripped attachment processing as documented.


iNotes - Fixed an issue where when iNotes uploaded and sent a file with a long non-ASCII filename, it truncated the resultant very long content headers.  This caused subsequent MIME parsing errors.  This regression was introduced in 9.0


iNotes - Mail - Fixed an issue where restoring a message that had MIME attachments from mail archive would result in the attachments being missing in the restored message


iNotes - Fix problem that iNotes Ultralight mode fails to compose a new mail


Server - Security - Updated the cacert.pem file that ships with Notes/Domino and is used by libcurl.  The prior version was missing some recently published certificates.




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