Am 3. August 2020 wurde das Fix Pack 1 für Notes/Domino 11.0.1 veröffentlicht. Das neue Fix Pack wird allen Kunden empfohlen, nicht nur denen, die aktuell Probleme mit Notes Domino haben. Falls ihr also Version 11.0.1 nutzt, installiert es einfach darüber. Das Fix Pack ist zudem sprachunabhängig, es ist also egal, welches Language Pack ihr nutzt. Weiter unten im Artikel findet ihr die Fix-List zum neuen Fix Pack.
Die für euer System passenden Installationsdateien könnt ihr euch über das HCL Flexnet-Portal herunterladen. Hierzu braucht ihr einen HCL Customer Account, sowie eine regelmäßig verlängerte Notes Domino Lizenz. In unserem Blogartikel zum HCL Software-Download- und Lizensierungsprozess findet ihr unter dem Punkt 4 eine Anleitung zum HCL Software Download. Wie ihr euch im Flexnet Portal registriert, könnt ihr im entsprechenden HCL Artikel zu diesem Thema nachlesen.
Zudem wurde am 27. Juli 2020 die Version 3.0.0 zum HCL Traveler für Microsoft Outlook (kurz HTMO) released. Mit der neuen Version hat der „IBM Mail Support für Microsoft Office“ (kurz IMSMO) einen neuen Namen bekommen. HTMO erlaubt es euch Domino-Funktionen für Mail, Kalender und Kontakte in Microsoft Outlook zu nutzen. Auf diese Weise könnt ihr in der Microsoft Outlook-Benutzeroberfläche mit euren Domino-Mails arbeiten. Neu hinzugekommen ist neben der Namensänderung, auch der Support für die neuste Version von Office 2019. Die AUT-Funktion (Auto Update Task) für IBM Connections Cloud wurde entfernt. Die Fixlist zu HTMO 3.0.0 findet ihr unter dem verlinkten HCL-Beitrag. Alle von HCL bereitgestellten Infos zu HTMO 3.0.0 findet ihr unter folgendem Beitrag.
Als dritten Punkt möchten wir euch noch darauf hinweisen, dass sich zum 2. August 2020 eine Änderung bezüglich des HCL Kundensupports ergeben hat. Seit letztem Sonntag könnt ihr nur noch Supportfälle für lizensierte Software öffnen und hierzu Unterstützung erhalten, d.h. ihr braucht eine regelmäßig verlängerte Softwarewartung um Support Cases öffnen zu können und könnt diese dann auch nur speziell zu lizensierter Software öffnen. Falls die Software-Wartung eines eurer HCL Produkte ausgelaufen sein sollte, helfen wir euch gerne dabei, euch wieder zu lizensieren. Alternativ könnt ihr auch eine Anfrage über das verlinkte Gastformular bei der HCL stellen. Falls ihr korrekt lizensiert seid, ihr einen Case öffnen möchtet und in der entsprechenden Produktliste das lizensierte Produkt nicht auftaucht, solltet ihr auch eine Anfrage über das Gastformular stellen.
Habt ihr Fragen oder Anregungen? Ruft uns einfach an unter 05251-288160 oder schreibt uns eine Mail an
Fixlist Notes/Domino 11.0.1 Fix Pack 1 (Quelle):
Admin Client
+SPR# MOBNBPQQEA - Admin Client - Fixed an issue in Admin client where Managing File Directory ACL was losing entries on Linux systems. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1.
+SPR# MSKABN2HED - Admin - Fixed an issue in the Admin client where, when trying to manage a vault server to do an action like add/remove a vault server, the error “NULL Parameter Error” would be received and the action would fail. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
SPR# AKURBPAFZJ - Client - Citrix Workspace on iOS - Fixed an issue where client would crash when accessing Notes through Citrix Workspace on iOS and trying to send email using finger / touch.
+SPR# ASHEBPCBBR - Notes - Printing - Fixed an issue where printing a Java applet resulted in a gray box. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP8.
+SPR# AYAVBFYCVA - Notes - Mac - Fixed a crash when trying to open up a mail thread in a new window. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
SPR# BKANBNJTSC - Client - Fixed an issue where calendar entries created by importing iCalendar files were appearing in the All Docs and Sent folders. Now imported entries will only appear in the Calendar related views.
+SPR# CSMHBMUQWY - Client - Mac - Fixed a problem where a hang could occur when scrolling using the vertical scroll bar when the mac OS setting "Click in the scroll bar to jump to the next page" was enabled. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# DHUSA5UFXQ - Client - Fixed an issue with drag and drop where the user was unable to drop a mail message as an eml file into MS Word - a link would be inserted instead. This issue has been fixed. A Notes.ini has been provided to revert to the original behavior - set EnableFileTransferDNDSupport=0 in Notes.ini.
SPR# DLIMBMMNSL - Notes - Fixed an issue where Notes client would crash on particular types of mime mail.
SPR# ECRABMYKVU - HCAA - Mac - NotesUIWorkspace.URLOpen - Fixed an issue in HCAA on the Mac where opening urls was using the internal embedded browser vs external browser when web retriever flag was True.
SPR# ECRABNBG5M - Client - Mac - Fixed an issue where the right click context menu was not being removed after the user choose the Move to folder option from it, resulting in the context menu being displayed on top of the Move to folder dialog.
SPR# KHORB3XT2B - Client - Mac - Fixed an issue where Notes would crash when changin Calendar view to Day - data specific.
+SPR# MPDSBQLDM4 - Client - Fixed an error where switching VPNs would result in an error message "Notes Port Driver unavailable" due to IPV6 network related messages being incorrectly handled. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# PDARBNFC7N - Client - Mac - Fixed a problem where a second repeating meeting could not be created after creating a repeating meeting. Error about too many dates scheduled would be shown. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
+SPR# PDARBQ8DFT - Client - Arabic - Fixed an issue where the twisty in action bar actions was overwriting the text of the button. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# PDARBQXF7W - Client - Mac Catalina - Fixed an issue where user was not able to add a gmail calendar - would get a security dialog box. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4
+SPR# RKHABPHDV9 - Notes client - Excel Import - Fixed an issue where after import & view operations some properties were missing like Text color, hyperlink, underline, strikeout for Excel documents. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
SPR# RKRYBMTPUA - Client - Mac - Catalina - Fixed an issue where the client would hang when using the calendar timezone drop down control with two finger scroll
+SPR# SAHNBKVANN - Notes - Notes Single Logon - fixed an issue where Notes Single Logon feature (SLO) was not working. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# SAPLBMTMAL - Client - Mac Catalina - Fixed an issue where opening an ICS file on Mac OS Catalina did not open it in the Notes client. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
+SPR# SBLEBN2HGN - Client - Fixed an issue where certain infobox fields would result in a crash when clicking on the dropdown list of choices - section border styles and action bar button Notes icons in particular. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
SPR# SJOIBNJAXV - Notes - Calendar - Fix an issue where resources were not being found when looked up via calendaring options when Extended ACL was set to root '/' Default Deny
+SPR# SKUEBJBE9Y - Mail - Fixed an issue where contacts that were saved by a delegated user would not be visible to the user after saving. This regression was introduced in 10.0.
+SPR# SPANBRHLFJ - Uploading files from Xpage application is not working for Notes 11.0 & 11.0.1. The issue was due to the API changes in the upgraded XUL. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
+SPR# SSARBNFCXK - Notes - Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting the last document from a folder. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
+SPR# SSARBQNAX7 - Fixed an issue where uploading two files with the same DBCS name would result in the 2nd file to have its name changed, and not be able to be downloaded. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# MNAA9T3478 - XPages - Fixed an issue where uploading two files with the same DBCS name would result in the 2nd file having its name changed and not be able to be downloaded.
iNotes Web Access
SPR# ASATBNEH4F - iNotes - Fixed an issue where incorrect error message displayed when navigating to a mail message that had been deleted from another client. Now, instead of "Unable to connect to your Web server" it returns "Entry not found"
+SPR# CRPOBPDAYF - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the login form would show a Submit button in addition to the Login button when using Session based authentication. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
SPR# FPAIBLYKGN - iNotes - Fixed an issue where meeting attendee received a duplicate invitation when the chair added an optional attendee to a signed and encrypted meeting.
+SPR# FPAIBQFK2S - iNotes - Fixed an issue where an attendee who was removed from an encrypted meeting did not receive the uninvite notice. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
+SPR# MKENBNNNSG - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the query string argument xhr=1 was not correctly sending back a 401 response from the web server. This regression was introduced in 10.0
+SPR# MOBNBN8UYJ - iNotes - Fixed an issue where sorting of full text search results for web apps was not working. This regression was introduced in 10.0
SPR# NNAIBPD5BV - iNotes - Fixed an issue where hitting enter within a bold blank line would not create an extra line break but would instead insert "<p>"
SPR# NNAIBPT6TG - iNotes - Fixed an issue where hitting enter on a blank line would not create the extra line break but would just insert "<p>".
SPR# SMIABNJH56 - iNotes - Fixed an issue where the width of the dialog box used to enter/change the Notes ID password was too small in some localized UIs of iNotes.
+SPR# XBYNBPC6GP - iNotes - Fixed an issue where clicking on tabs in tables in a web browser would sometimes result in Error 400, Invalid URL Exception. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
+SPR# ASHEBMVBUM - Java - Fixed an issue where always returned NULL. This regression was introduced in 9.0.1 FP10.
SPR# JCORBQPQFH - LotusScript - Fixed an issue in CreateJSONNavigator function where some multi-byte characters were not being correctly handled. Also fixed an issue where CreateJSONNavigator wasn't showing name of Content arg in Designer.
+SPR# JCUSBR4HYK - Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where design catalog refresh or rebuild would sometimes fail with "Invalid or nonexistent document". This regression was introduced in 11.0.1.
SPR# JPMS8T4QNL - LotusScript - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur during navigation of a DocumentCollection.
SPR# PJONBPBUCQ - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesHTTPRequest.SetHeaderField was not accepting long string values for headervalue parameter
+SPR# PSHEBMRFE7 - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with NotesJSONNavigator class GetElementByPointer method where some multi-bype strings were getting truncated. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1 FP3.
SPR# TSAOBLXCQL - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with RichTextRange.FindAndReplace where data was incorrectly being removed when calling NotesRichTextNavigator.Setpositionatend().
SPR# TSAOBN4FWB - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where text in a table cell was being removed incorrectly from a range defined by Table Cells when using NotesRichTextRange.Findandreplace.
SPR# VRARBM4H2V - LotusScript - Fixed a crash in NoteJSONElement that could occur when setting its value.
+SPR# VRARBQ9KLQ - DQL - Fixed an issue where query processing will no longer produce an internal error handling "IN" terms using views. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
SPR# BSPRBMMLEP - Server - Fixed a potential deadlock during replication in NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary - init provided if needed which is off by default - to enable, set DEBUG_WRITE_LOCK_IF_REMOTE_DB=1
+SPR# CTOEBP4JVC - Server - Fixed a problem where a user's Profile was being created with CN=... components after their name when the HTTP Sessions setting for Session authentication is set to Multiple Servers (SSO). This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# DANOBQGNDM - Server - Repair - Fixed an issue where, when doing batch adminp requests, at times Repair was not being disabled on the users' mail database, resulting in possible recreation of the mail file on a cluster mate.
SPR# JBUDBPKFX9 - Server - Fixed a potential crash issue with Active Directory sync. Dirsync now skips AD DNs longer than 255 chars.
+SPR# JLCPBNJ8K7 - Server - Fixed an intermittent crash involving IDTableValidate and CheckMarkers. This regression was introduced in 11.0.
SPR# JPAI8EYGXJ - Server - Fixed an SSL semaphore hang issue involving Directory Assistance.
+SPR# KBRNBP9RV5 - Server - Fixed an issue where multiple RunOnServer agents were not thread safe.
SPR# MAVABHNMSC - Server - Database - Fixed a problem where linked databases were not being found after calling LotusScript IsLink and DbSize methods, resulting in error "Unable to open Name and Address Book (%s).."
SPR# MKENBN7K93 - Domino - HTTP server - Fixed an issue where the HTTP server was returning error 500 instead of a Login page
SPR# MOBNBLVNPE - Server - iSeries - Fixed intermittent crash when full text indexing involving MIME documents, likely due to memory overwrite.
SPR# MOBNBQ6J2A - Server - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur when indexing a document with attachments but with the option set to not index attachments.
SPR# NSHEBL9AZT - Server - Replication - Fixed an issue where Show Schedule did not display the correct Next Schedule time
SPR# NVENBN2UVS - Adminp - Added an INI to allow the admin to skip the check of the free disk space that is normally done before creating a new replica. The admin will have to confirm there is a enough free space using other tools. The INI to set is ADMINP_DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_CHECK=1
SPR# PCHNBPWG73 - Domino - Fixed an issue where some user names with international characters were not translated from LMBCS to UTF8 in the http access log files.
SPR# RPAIBN3NMN - Fixed an issue where archiving of a user in IDVault after multiple days of password mismatch was sometimes causing the archived name to change incorrectly.
+SPR# RPAIBNUMTR - Fixed an issue with TLS connecting to AD server which used a SAN only TLS certificate while perfoming a server console command "show x r" to show all the directories configured in Directory Assistance. This regression was introduced in 11.0.1
+SPR# SHJRBCGEX4 - Server - Full text indexing of attachments - Introduced an INI - TIKA_FORCE_PDF_SORT=1 to work around an issue where full text index attachment filtering (Tika) was not properly tokenizing PDFs containing Hebrew text. This regression was introduced in 10.0.1
+SPR# SPPPBMDGUF - Domino - HTTP server - Classic Web Applications may no longer work because of the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff http header that is always included in an http response for Domino NSF application urls for increased security. Added the following notes.ini to disable the sending of the http X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header. If the following notes.ini is specified then the http header will not be included by default in the http response. HTTP_DISABLE_X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_NOSNIFF=1. This change in functionality was introduced in 10.0.1 FP4.
SPR# YXDGB89BP8 - Server - Fixed an issue where R*.TMP files (created by Repair) weren't being cleaned up after a failure.
SPR# NVENBN2SKQ - Server - Fixed title of lndfr.ntf to be HCL Notes/Domino Fault Report.