What can ITWU Simple Signature do for me?
With the aid of ITWU Simple Signature, generating and allocating your e-mail signatures will be as simple and flexible as never before! The advantages deriving from this do not only affect your employees but especially your IT, HR and Marketing departments and eventually serve the whole enterprise.
Less effort and more choices for end users:
- Your users do not need to put their time and their sometimes peculiar sense of design into the creation and adjustment of their own e-mail signatures. As soon as they open a new e-mail the signatures are automatically generated and attached to that e-mail.
- With the multi-signature your users even get the chance to choose from a range of different signatures, which have been assigned to them depending on the department, organization or company they may represent in their e-mails.
Simple and flexible management of the signatures:
- Whenever personal contact information alters you just need to update them within the Domino Directory. Further adjustments of the signatures are no longer necessary.
Such alterations can be the result from
- new employees
- changes of department or position
- newly-wedded employees with new names
- new mobile number
- maternity leaves
- etc.
- Furthermore it just takes seconds to assign the signature templates to your employees by simply selecting an entry from the Domino Directory.
- Designing the signature templates will become more flexible as well, because apart from using the pre-built wild cards for the contact data from the Domino Directory you now have the capability to simply create your own ones.
- The preview and reset features also enable you to constantly control your signatures and to instantly take action as soon as they do not work properly.
E-mail signatures become free marketing platforms:
- The flexible signature add-ons in ITWU Simple Signature give you the opportunity to inform your customers and business partners about current trade shows or other events and newly announced products of yours.
- Selecting a start and end date for these signature add-ons you can also automate the time-limited placement of the add-ons. Thus you do not need to attach and delete the add-ons from the signatures by yourself.
- With the various design options provided by ITWU Simple Signature your templates can be easily adjusted to your Corporate Identity. This way your employees are able to consistently represent your enterprise within every single e-mail correspondence.